viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Learn organize your time

Hi,people! (: Today we'll talk about how to organize your time to do all your activities.
The Time is limited, only 24 hours, sometimes not enough to do things, then you have to learn how to organize your time. I give you some advice,I hope that helps.

1.Write all your goals

This is the first step, and very important indeed. For in doing so have greater clarity about what things you have to do to achieve your goals. and also you will realize that things are important and which less so.

2.Use an agenda

It is important to have a place, and only one, where you fill in the
our commitments. The best part is that they assign date and time. Write it all. And assign it a time to do so. Then be sure to comply with what you score.

3. Say it is not.

Your time is valuable. Learn to respect and honor. Before a new commitment to someone or something else, see if you really have time to do it.

4. Keep track of what you do in a day.

Dedicate yourself to keep track of what you do. That day, begin with a small notebook and pencil. And write down what you do during the day. Record the time you spend on each thing. See if there is a match between your goals and the things you do and if there are activities that could change.

To spend just a few minutes a day to organize and plan our day, activities and goals we can optimize the time spent on our work and get better results and more free time.

How to organize your time at home to do homework.

When you get home, leave your things in your room, change clohes and lunch. Estimated half an hour for your lunch.
After lunch, rest a little, maybe a half hour so that your body is ready for study.
If there are many tasks distribute them into two parts. For example, you can spend an hour doing some homework. Rest for 15 minutes and ends on another task force in an hour. In total you will be two hours and a little more consideration if many of your tasks.
Leave the easiest tasks for the last.

You manage your time well so I will not be late finishing homework.

If you know more tips for managing your time, do not forget to write them down.